Sunday 1 September 2013

♡ Earthquake O'Clock ♡

It's time.

Hey, Sanna. :] Have some music that will bring back some....... memories for you. Am I correct in thinking you and Oscar were Pendulum fans, that this was the kind of music you would have listened to when the violence began? Huh, and you were so happy to tell me about everything except that. Not a word on it. Not even a hint!!!! The cheek. >:(

Got some birds going on the loose looking for yas. I think I have a good idea of where you went....... because I know what languages you did at school. I remember driving you home from that place. Rain, snow or shine, little Sanna in her school uniform, running up the whole block to the Sainsbury's car park just to tell me all about your day. I remember every last thing. A young girl, no grasp of the world beyond what you saw, no hold on the atrocities you would soon be committing........ and not regretting..... oh, snookums.

Are you afraid of Morningstar? It seems you are. That's great!!! :3 Just read up on his antics. Blood-filled. My kind of guy.

All the others that threatened to come after you. They didn't know you, they had to get to know you. But I know already.

I know your allies, merciless and merciful.
I know where you would go to for safety, come Slender Man or swarm.
I know the pitter-patter of your footsteps when you run, playground or no playground.
I know your voice.
I know your gait.
I'll know when any of these things have changed.
And that information is fully available to Morningstar.

See you soon. <3


  1. Replies
    1. This ain't the beeswax of the Wooden Girl. Not touching that bitch.

  2. Oh look. Another bitch of a Nest I have to kill.



    1. Oh look. Another little bitch of a proxy who thinks I'm frightened of him :3 Problem?
